CNC Machining

What is CNC?

CNC (or Computer Numeric Control) has revolutionized the woodworking industry in recent years. It has now lead to the creation of computer controlled woodworking that is accessible to the small shop and even the hobby woodworker.

Why Use CNC?

The main advantage to using a computer-controlled router for cutting material is that the results can be incredibly accurate and very sophisticated. While this doesn't do away with the need for traditional woodworking skills, it does allow for some interesting new possibilities.


What Can be Built?

With our CNC machine, we can cut out intricately carved signs, organic shapes for furniture, and incredibly detailed instruments. Because the computer program can be run as often as needed, producing 100 units is nearly as easy as producing one.

Get What You Want

Come to us with your ideas of what you'd like to have done and we can work with you to make it a reality. Carving can be done in wood, acrylic, foam board, and other non-ferrous materials.